The Beginning of Salt + Sabbath

Early in 2023, I was reading Jeremiah 29:11 asking God to reveal what he wanted me to do next. I began by praying that he would give me the connections, ideas and resources to know and follow His plan.

I began reading the Bible and doing devotions and journaling most mornings and getting to know God’s word more closely. I cherished my peaceful sunrise routine of sipping a cappuccino and reading the gospel in candlelight. Then I thought of how beautiful it would be to have a candle burning that was based on the anointing oils of the Bible (frankincense and myrrh). It was in one of these serene moments that an inspiring idea sparked within me—a candle infused with the sacred anointing oils of the Bible: frankincense, and myrrh.

Just as I had asked God for the right connections, I met a new friend who makes and sells non-toxic, high quality candles out in Las Vegas. I thought of how inspiring that was as I’d always wanted to make candles. I had always envisioned my chiropractic practice as a place with a boutique-like atmosphere, one that enhanced the experience for everyone who walked through our doors. Offering handmade christian candles would help do just that.

Then, one ordinary day at work, a moment of clarity washed over me. It became undeniably clear that my next step was to create and share candles inspired by the gospel. These candles would be made with a heartfelt intention—to nurture a deeper connection with God, curate moments of sacred rest within the home, and share the message of hope with others. What's even more exciting is that a portion of the proceeds could be tithed towards supporting faith-based organizations in the community, allowing us to share God's blessings.

The more I sought His guidance, the more His divine plan unfolded before me.

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One morning I came across Matthew 5:13 about how christians are the “salt of the earth.“  I pondered then how Jesus wants his followers to be active in their faith, to bring glory to God, to be the light in the darkness for others to see God through them. He wants us to be inspired to love Him, love the church and to love others. At this moment I knew I wanted the collection to include the concept of being salt. 

Another major part of something I was longing for this year was a more restful day of Sabbath. One not filled with cleaning the house and catching up on errands. While I was working on honoring the Sabbath day as a whole, I felt that my morning routine of lighting a candle and spending time with God made me feel at rest and at peace. Truly at peace. 

And soon enough, “Salt and Sabbath” was born.

Clean, luxurious candles inspired by the gospel, meant to create moments of sabbath in the home. With a vision to bless others.

Thank you for Taking Part, and May you be Blessed

I am filled with overwhelming gratitude and boundless excitement as I share this passion project with you. May our products grace your home, creating moments of tranquility and gratitude, enabling you to savor the abundance of blessings that surround us. 

Together, let's make a positive impact in our communities, spreading God's love and blessings to others.


Dr. Mel


To glorify God and bring blessings to others.


Our mission is to craft exquisite and safe candles, inspired by the gospel, to foster moments of Sabbath and a profound connection to God.

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